Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dynamically Adding Default Values to Dashbaord Prompt

Here is the way to automatically add the default dates of current month in the dashboard prompt.

undergiven code can be used for setting up the day first of the current month in the dasboard prompt automatically.

For this purpose, goto the prompt and under "Default to", select "SQL Results" and add following code;

For the first day of the current month add following code;
            WHEN 1 = 0
               "Office Visit"."Visit Dt"
                             (DAYOFMONTH (CURRENT_DATE) * -1) + 1,
  FROM   Payments 

For the Last day of the current month add following code;

            WHEN 1 = 0
               "Office Visit"."Visit Dt"
               TIMESTAMPADD (
                  TIMESTAMPADD (
                     TIMESTAMPADD (
                        TIMESTAMPADD (SQL_TSI_DAY,
                                      DAYOFMONTH (CURRENT_DATE) * -1,
  FROM   Payments

In Between operation both cases can be used combined.

Cheers ;)

Monday, November 21, 2011

Dashboard in Drop Down

There is a parameter you specify in your instanceconfig.xml file that controls this features.


The above code says once two or more dashboards are in the same folder, then they will be stored in a dropdown menu titled after the folder. I.e. suppose you have Dashboard 1 and Dashboard 2 in Folder A. Then after you put the above code in you will see Folder A across the top of your screen. Once you click on Folder A, you get a drop down for Dashboard 1 and Dashboard 2.

Once you change the instanceconfig.xml file, you'll need to restart presentation services for the change to take place.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dashboard Alerts & Guided Analytics

• Enables content and layout of dashboard to change based on information analyzed
• Sections or links can be defined to only appear when there is “interesting” information in the data

Types of Guided Analytics

1.Adding a link to a dashboard, that only appears if a condition is met

2.Making reports appear on the dashboard, when a condition is met, Requires two things

• A report to run, that determines whether the event has happened
• A report, or link, that you want to appear

Step 1 : Create a “Trigger” Report

• Create a report that checks for your condition
• Has a branch fell below its sales threshold?
• Has a product’s year on year sales fallen?
• Use filters to check for the condition
• If the report returns rows, the trigger will be met
• Save to the Web Catalog

Step 2 : Add Guided Analytics Link to Dashboard

• Drag and drop from Dashboard Objects palette
• Add to dashboard, just under the report to which it is related

Step 3 : Edit the Guided Analytics Link Properties

• Select the report that is run to determine whether the link is displayed
• Select whether any rows, or no rows, is the trigger
• Enter link text
• Select report, dashboard or URL to link to

Step 4 : View Link in Dashboard (if Triggered)

• Link only appears if condition is met
• Guides user to the next action they should take

Making Sections Display Conditionally

• Individual sections can be displayed conditionally
• Select “Guided Navigation” from the section properties
• Pick the report to run

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cache Management & Overcoming Cache Problems

It is possible that reports that you run after the load process will reuse the cache that existed prior to the load process. This can result in inconsistencies between reports.

Following are some workarounds to avoid such inconsistencies.


If you want to use the cache and you have a regular load of data into your source for OBIEE, then you just need to ensure that the cache is cleared after your load. There is an ODBC command which will clear it:

Call SAPurgeAllCache();

You can put this in a sql file and then call it from a .cmd file:

nqcmd -d "AnalyticsWeb" -u Administrator -p <password> -s D:\OracleBI\server\Scripts\Common\purge_cache.sql -o D:\OracleBI\server\Scripts\Common\purge_cache.out

When you run this .cmd file it will clear the cache, and you can also schedule the command at regular intervals.


If your data is changing all the time and you just don't want caching on then Turn off caching in the NSQConfig.ini (and restart the server service) or at the physical table level in the .rpd, to ensure you get the un-cached results, and can therefore see the SQL being generated each run, or drill down in Answers.

1. Locate this configuration file: <root
2. In the Query Result Cache Section, change the [ CACHE ] setting from ENABLE =YES; to ENABLE = NO;.
3. Save the NQSConfig.INI configuration file and restart the Oracle BI Server service.
4. After running an Answers report, check the SQL NQQUERY.log (on Windows, usually located in, :\OracleBI\Server\log\)


Third one is that check wether Table is cacheable (table properties) in the physical layer, you can turn on/off it per table or can set a schedule to expire and refresh using "Cache Persistence Time".


Bypass Web Server Cache feature in Advanced tab of the corresponding reports is also a resolution.

Here are the steps to implement By Pass Server Cache;

1 Build Report with required fields,
2 Go to Advance SQL tab check the Check Box ' Bypass Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache'
3 Goto bottom of page look for 'Prefix' in text box type 'SET VARIABLE DISABLE_CACHE_HIT=1;'
4 Save the report


Here is another one, If you always want to bypass the Presentation server cache add this to the instanceconfig file of the development presentation server:

add below lines in instanceconfig.xml  file then restart all bi services.



You can manually purge all the cache entries:
1. Open the Oracle BI Administration Tool in online mode.
2. Click Manage, Cache to access the Cache Manager page and select all cache entries.
3. Click Action, Purge.

Cheers ;)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Referencing session variables in report title

currentTime => @{system.currentTime}
system.productVersion => @{system.productVersion}
session.locale => @{session.locale} = en-gb
session.language => @{session.language} = en
rtl =>@{session.rtl} = false
session.loginTime => @{session.loginTime}
session.logoutTime =>@{session.logoutTime }
session.lastAccessTime =>@{session.lastAccessTime}
session.currentUser => @{} = administrator
user.homeDirectory => @{user.homeDirectory} = /users/administrator => @{} = administrator
user.displayName => @{user.displayName} = administrator

DUMMY Column with NULL Value

Sometimes you need a dummy column in Union (ALL) query's with a NULL value.

This could help in this situation;

CAST(NULL as double)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oracle Business Intelligence Browser Support

Oracle Business Intelligence 10.3.x is supported with following platforms;

Microsoft Windows:       Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x
                                         Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x
                                         Firefox 1.5.x
                                         Firefox 2.0
                                         Firefox 3.0

Microsoft Windows Vista:  Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.x

Linux:                                Firefox 2.0

Sun Solaris:                       Firefox 2.0

Apple Mac OS 10.x:         Firefox 2.0

Official word from Oracle is that OBIEE 11g supports Internet Explorer 7.x, 8.x and Firefox 3.5+ and these are certified.

Currently Oracle Business Intelligence is not certified for Microsoft Internet Explorer 9. This can lead to strange behavior when running dashboards and other functionalities.

However most of the problems can be solved by putting Internet Explorer 9 in the compatibility mode using:

Tools > Compatibility view

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dynamically Re-sizing Charts

The bar size of the chart cannot be dynamically resized however the charge axis can be zoom in or zoom out on the basis of lower and upper limits of the result set. For that purpose go to axis scaling and select “Zoom to Data Range”.

Default Axis :

Zoom to Data Ranges: 

Cheers ;)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Increase Max Dropdown Value in Prompts

Here are the instructions to increase the 256 limit of the dropdown in propmts;

1. Edit instanceconfig.xml
2. Add <Prompts><MaxDropDownValues>1000</MaxDropDownValues></Prompts>

3. Save the instanceconfig.xml
4. Restart Presentation Service

Cheers ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Pivot Tables & CUBE Limits

Cube Limit for Pivot Table can be increased following steps:

1. Stop the services: IIS Service admin, Oracle BI Server, Oracle Presentation Server, Oracle BI Scheduler, Oracle BI Java Host.

2. Check the syntax in the Instanceconfig.xml, it should be:

<MaxCells> 4000000 </MaxCells>
<MaxVisibleColumns> 5000 </MaxVisibleColumns>
<MaxVisiblePages> 2500 </MaxVisiblePages>
<MaxVisibleRows> 75000 </MaxVisibleRows>
<MaxVisibleSections> 3000 </MaxVisibleSections>
<CubeMaxRecords> 1000000 </CubeMaxRecords>
<CubeMaxPopulatedCells> 1000000 </CubeMaxPopulatedCells>

Restart the Services, if still not works try step 3.

3. Creating the registry variables:
a) Start > Run > regedit
b) Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > ORACLE >Business Intelligence
c) Create 2 new string values : CubeMaxRecords with value 150000 and other CubeMaxPopulatedCells with value 160000.
d) Similarly create the same 2 string parameters at the location : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Siebel Systems, Inc. > Siebel Analytics > Web > 7.7
(If the location mentioned above is not present create it)

4. Start the services.

Cheers ;)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

OBIEE Expression

First Day of the Previous Year
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the current year. The second TIMESTAMPADD removes a year from the returned date for the First Day of the Previous Year.
First Day of the Current Year
This calculation returns the first day of the year by deducting one less than the total number of days in the year.
First Day of the Next Year
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the current year. The second TIMESTAMPADD adds a year to the date returned which will give the first day of the next year.
First Day of the Previous Month
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the Current Month. The second TIMESTAMPADD then subtracts one month from the first day of the Current Month arriving to the First Day of the previous month.
First Day of the Current Month
This expression gets the current day of the month and subtracts one less than the current day to arrive at the first day of the month.
First Day of the Next Month
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the Current Month. The second TIMESTAMPADD then adds one month from the first day of the Current Month arriving to the First Day of the next month.
First Day of Current Quarter
This was included to show the calculations discussed above can be used with other functions. This is the same expression as the one that returns the first day of the current month except this one uses the DAY_OF_QUARTER property to return the first day of the current quarter.
Last Day of the Previous Month
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the Current Month. The second TIMESTAMPADD subtracts a month to arrive at the first day of the previous month.
Last Day of Current Month
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD finds the first day of the current Month. The second TIMESTAMPADD adds one month to the date to arrive at the first day of the next month. The final TIMESTAMPADD subtracts one day from the returned date to arrive at the last day of the Current Month.
Last Day of the Next Month
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD finds the first day of the current Month. The second TIMESTAMPADD adds two months to the date to arrive at the first day of month after next. The final TIMESTAMPADD subtracts one day from the returned date to arrive at the last day of the Next Month.
Last Day of Previous Year
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the current year. The second TIMESTAMPADD subtracts one day to arrive at December 31st of the previous year.
Last Day of Current Year
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the current year. The second TIMESTAMPADD deducts one day to arrive at December 31 of the previous year. The third TIMESTAMPADD adds a single year to the date to arrive at December 31 of the Current Year.
Last Day of the Next Year
From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the current year. The second TIMESTAMPADD deducts one day to arrive at December 31 of the previous year. The third TIMESTAMPADD adds 2 years to the date to arrive at December 31 of the Next Year.
Last Day of Current Quarter
Demonstrated using Quarters. From right to left the first TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the Current Quarter. The second TIMESTAMPADD returns the first day of the next quarter. The final TIMESTAMPADD subtracts a single day  from the date to arrive at the last day of the Current Quarter.
Number of days between First Day of Year and Last Day of Current Month
The second part of the TIMESTAMPDIFF uses Last Day of the Current Month calculation to force the TIMESTAMPDIFF to calculate the number of days between the first day of the year and the last day of the current month.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

OBIEE - Repository Variables, Session Variables

Variables in the Oracle BI Server can be either repository or session variables, and are defined using the Variable Manager within the Oracle BI Administrator (Manage > Variables).

This brings up the Variable Manager, that divides variables out into repository and session variables, with a further subdivision into static and dynamic repository ones and system and non-system session ones. You can also define variables at the Presentation Server level, these are scoped to individual dashboards and are used amongst other things for setting dashboard prompt values and integrating the dashboard with BI Publisher parameters. Here’s a screenshot of a typical Variable Manager screen.

you can either have server variables that hold the same value across all sessions (in BI Server terms, a “repository” variable), or variables that hold a value specific to each user session (“session” variables in the BI Server). Furthermore, repository variables can either be constants (“static repository” variables) or can have values that vary over time (“dynamic repository” variables), with the dynamic ones refreshed to a schedule via SQL calls and session variables usually set at the time of logon by reference to an LDAP server or an SQL statement. So now that’s all clear, in what sort of situation would they be used?

Cheers ;)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

TOPN Filter in OBIEE

We want to see the top 10 charges by some practice, this can be achieved by applying the
“is in top” filter to the charge;

But what if you want to retrieve the top 10 results based on some date criteria ?

The workaround for that is to apply an advance filter based on date criteria using “BY” while filtering the charge value.

For that purpose we go to advance and convert the filter to SQL;

Add following to the advance filter;

Finally the filters will look like this;

Cheers ;)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Setting Up Data Sources for BI Publisher

BI Publisher supports three types of data sources:
  • JDBC driver database connections
  • JNDI datasource connections
  • Files
    The files data source option enables you to define a directory to which BI Publisher can connect. You can then place XML files in this directory to use as data input to your reports.
By default, BI Publisher Administrators can access all data sources.
If you have not set up the user roles yet, you can assign data sources to a role from the Create Role interface. See Understanding Users and Roles for more information.
Adding a JDBC Data Source
  1. From the Admin page select JDBC Connection. This will display the list of existing JDBC connections.
  2. Select the Add Data Source button.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name - enter a display name for the data source.
    • Connection String - enter the database connect string.
      For an Oracle database the connect string will have the following format:
      For example:
      For a Microsoft SQL Server, the connect string will have the following format:
      For example:
      Note that if your Oracle BI Server is SSL-enabled, you must copy the keystore to the BI Publisher server and provide it in the connection string.
    • User Name - enter the user name required to access the data source on the database.
    • Password - enter the password associated with the user name for access to the data source on the database.
    • Database Driver Class - enter the database driver class for the connection.
      For example: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver or

      Important: The JDBC connection library must be placed under [JRE_TOP]/lib. If you are using OC4J, the Oracle driver library will be present with your OC4J install. For other JDBC database libraries you must place them there manually, and restart the server to make them available.
    • Use Proxy Authentication - select this box to enable Proxy Authentication. This applies to Oracle 10g deployments only. For more information, see Oracle Database Security Guide 10g.
  4. If you would like to test the connection, select Test Connection. If the test is successful, the confirmation message, "Connection established successfully" will display. If connection error occurs, the message "Could not establish connection," will display.
  5. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list will be able to create reports from this the data source.
Adding a JNDI Data Source
  1. From the Admin page select JNDI Connection. This will display the list of existing JNDI connections.
  2. Select the Add Data Source button.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new connection:
    • Data Source Name - enter a display name for the data source.
    • JNDI Name - enter the JNDI name of the data source.
    • Use Proxy Authentication - select this box to enable Proxy Authentication. This applies to Oracle 10g deployments only. For more information, see Oracle Database Security Guide 10g.
  4. If you would like to test the connection, select Test Connection. If the test is successful, the confirmation message, "Connection established successfully" will display. If connection error occurs, the message "Could not establish connection," will display.
  5. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list will be able to create reports from this the data source.
Adding a File Data Source
  1. From the Admin page select File. This will display the list of existing file sources.
  2. Select the Add Data Source button.
  3. Enter the following fields for the new data source:
    • Data Source Name - enter a display name for the data source.
    • Path - enter the full path to the top-level directory on your server.
  4. Define security for this data source. Use the shuttle buttons to move roles from the Available Roles list to the Allowed Roles list. Only users assigned the roles on the Allowed Roles list will be able to create reports from this the data source.
Viewing or Updating a Data Source
  1. From the Admin page select the Data Source type to update.
  2. Select the name of the connection to view or update. All fields are updateable.
  3. Select Apply to apply any changes or Cancel to exit the update page.

(This article is an excerpt from Oracle Library)

Friday, July 15, 2011

OBIEE Error - Concat does not support non-text types

In oracle concatenation can be done between non character types however while concatenating no character types in BI it is not supported.

Here is a workaround;

This can be done by casting the Non Charater Type to character types


cast(Periods."Month" as varchar(10))

cast(Periods."Year" as varchar(10))||'/'||cast(Periods."Month" as varchar(10))

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to reset your password for OC4J Admin

Try this to reset your password for oc4j admin

1. Navigate to the D:\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\j2ee\home\config directory
2. Backup the file: system-jazn-data.xml for restore or later reference
3. Edit the file: system-jazn-data.xml

Locate the following entries:

<display-name>OC4J Administrator</display-name>
<description>OC4J Administrator</description>

and add the XML attribute deactivated="true", as shown below:

<user deactivated="true">
<display-name>OC4J Administrator</display-name>
<description>OC4J Administrator</description>

When you next start the oc4j instance using "oc4j -start" the container will re-prompt you for the password and add the newly encrypted password to the <credentials> tag in the oc4jadmin entry.

To start oc4j:

1 Open command prompt by issuing cmd in Run
2 navigate to D:\OracleBI\oc4j_bi\bin
3 say ' oc4j -start'

Good Luck :)

While Saving the Report got the Message “Not Logged In“

This is a bug & appears in a special constellation of Username, Machine Name, Subject Area and Report Name.

Here is the woraround for this problem;

1)      1) Goto “Manage Catalog”

2)   2)   Rename the Report

Now you can save & modify report normally without getting the “not logged in” message. 

How to Bypass cache in OBIEE

Follow below steps to disable the cache of the report to get results direct from the database;

 1. Build Report with required fields,
 2. Go to Advance SQL tab check the Check Box ' Bypass Oracle BI Presentation Services Cache'
 3. Goto bottom of page and add below statement in the prefix section
 4. Save the report

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to add images in OBIEE using local path

1. Upload the images to following two folders

(Oracle application server install)

(OBIEE install)

2. After adding images to the folders you need to restart the presentation services

3. In answers, edit the title view and add the following


4. In dashboard you can use the same with image or link


How to add images on the Report using URL

Here are the instructions to add image on the Report:

1.        Copy the image URL from the Website you want to place on your Dashboard;
2.       Go to Result Tab
3.       Choose Title from the Result View
4.       Paste the URL in the Logo Text Box
5.       Set the Result View Back to the Compound Layout.
6.       Save the Report.

How to add image on the dashboard using URL

Here are the instructions to add image on the dashboard: 
1.       Copy the image URL from the Website you want to place on your Dashboard;
2.       Go to dashboard where you want to add the image.
3.       Select Page Options > Edit Dashboard
4.       From the Page dropdown select the page on which you want to add the report link.
5.       Drag the Link or Image from the Dashboard Objects section and drop it on the section.
6.       Select properties button on the object newly added (Link or Image 1)
7.       Paste the URL in the image Textbox. Make Layout Adjustments if necessary.
8.       Save the Dashboard.